Sunday, June 7, 2009

a small taste of a big city

current tune: "We Share Our Mother's Health" by: The Knife

I've become absent minded again and have been once again guilty of forgetting to update my blog...shame on me! I suppose it's because I'm struggling to have a social life and helping myself for future job references. Busy, busy, busy!!

Yesterday I spent the day with my friends Nick and Bill on the usual quest for adventure. The day started on a very good note of a flat family brunch before scouring the local neighborhood for starving artists' art on the Westcott Art Trail that was held yesterday June 6th. I had a lovely brunch in our kitchen with Nick, Yazmin, and Adluha and her husband's Greek/Indian family I am currently residing with. I had delicious Indian white rice with some yellow peppers, eggplant, and zucchini that I sauteed; all with some scrumptuous vanilla chai tea. After breakfast I tackled the kitchen/dinig room floor then headed for a nice walk around the neighboorhood to see artist's selling their work in lawns and on the street. It was a very cool experience. It also motivates me to begin creating art again, on the side of my busy lifestyle, to sell and live off of.

We headed up to the Westcott Community Center to see more art for sale, signed up to help a non-for-profit arts organization for CNY, and to purchase 4 luscious tomatoes and a jar of raw honey from a local farmer's market. It always makes me uber happy to support the local natural/and or organic farmers in the area. It reminds me that they are making a living in a way that I would like to strive for, and that supporting these people is a direct way of supporting this bohemian honest lifestyle.

I later met Bill at Recess Coffee, and headed to the "Taste of Syracuse" festival downtown to enjoy the large congregation of diverse central New Yorker's with good food and good drink. It was incredibely fun shuffling around so many different people with wine slushies and the sounds of live music. It felt like a huge adult carnival held in the middle of Syrause to give people a tiny holiday from their mundane lives.

I want to make the absolute most of my time here in this large city for the summer. I enjoy the new excitement of finding new tea shops, bookstores, and boutiques to support and new people to meet. I hope my experience in Syracuse and living on my own for the first time is one I can use as a foundation for the multitudes of adventures I will be having throughout my life with all the many people I meet!


Gracie-Lou said...

you must fill me in on the tea shops in Syracuse!

ms. teacakes said...

Will do! I found another one Sanders had originally told me about that you will LOVE!

I had some a-mazing blueberry hibiscus tea there!