Thursday, May 28, 2009

album appreciation: movits!

current tune: "Appelknyckarjazz" by: The Movits!

If you like jazz music of the 1930's variety and are open to say....some Swedish music this is right up your alley! I stumbled on the vintage-sounding band, Movits!, on Aurgasm. If you are not familiar with Aurgasm, please look into it! This site has opened my eyes to artists I would not have known otherwise, and is a constant source of inspiration for me. Besides that...I love it!

Their sound, their beats, and the foreign lyrics roped me into this small vibrant band. Jazz has always been one of those things that I fondly enjoy, but am not exposed to it enough to know how to play anymore or know any really potent work....and I kind of suck with the lack of knowledge of true jazz history and talent. Besides playing tenor saxophone in the small jazz band I had in school growing up, I was not exposed to too much of it. However, the Movits! have re-kindled an interest amplified in the modern world and on an international level. had this to say about the Movits!:

“...Django guitar, windy street swing; music for both art directors and for your mother” is how MOVITS! describe their sound. Well-known in Sweden, but unheard of elsewhere, they fold together elements of 1930’s big band swing, roma swing and rhythm & blues, then drop hiphop vocals on top for some serious energetic firepower..."

Their demeanor and dress are classy and stylish and will get you moving a little in your seat!

Also, once translated their lyrics are both intriguing and create imagery of a foreign world ingulfed in a foreign tongue.

Put a little Swedish into your life!


Christina Bledsoe said...

I love that picture of the two men together.

Shanna McKay* said...

ahh thank you for introducing these guys to me forever ago, I'm still jamming to their youtube videos - so much fun =)

Unknown said...

do you know where i could find an english translation of Ă„ppelknyckarjazz?

Kees Rozemeijer said...

Great music. Love it!