Sunday, May 10, 2009

catch up, ketchup!

current tune: "Big Yellow Taxi" by: Joni Mitchell

Yes...I am back from the depths of college, finals week, moving, packing and unpacking, and everything else in between! I have been sandwiched between an addiction to stress, a gloriously overactive ambition, and the little voice inside my head that can't say 'no'.

Rather then catch up with my life, I will simply just pick up at the present.....I'm home! (well....for the weekend). I have a new home that I'm moving into in Syracuse, NY (three hours west from my home in Gloversville, NY). It is going to be an experience living with two other roomies I have never met before and essentially living without the assistance and comfort of my family. It is going to be a
n experience, one that I hope will assist me in preparing for life after college.

On a good note, this weekend I have been proudly decreasing my carbon footprint! I have been washing laundry since I returned home in the wee hours Saturday morning in cold water and hanging them up on the clothesline in our backyard to dry. It make me feel like Laura Ingalls when I do this, but I enjoy this. My family has slowly been taking steps to becoming more eco-friendly and conscious and these small actions make you feel so good inside!

Also! To go along with this "green theme" my book, "The Self-Sufficient-ish Bible" has FINALLY been delivered after 5 months of back order on Amazon (thanks to my wonderful boyfriend Matthew). I first saw it in Waterstone's while I was in Windsor, England and it has been on my mind since then!

I have now found my tree-hugging bible and I LOVE it! These two brothers are amazing and a complete inspiration to me!

Andy and Dave Hamiliton

What have you done today to reduce your own carbon footprint?

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