I feel like I've been neglecting my blog quite often, and that I should pay it some mind, stay for some tea and biscuits, and write some new entries for a new month!
My life is opening up for me. Or maybe I'm slowly cracking out of my walnut shell a bit. Last Tuesday night my good friend Beth introduced me to Craigslist. It has opened my eyes and changed my world. I started looking for rooms to rent in the Syracuse area over the summer, and of course looking for prices I could afford on a fast food paycheck. I met new people and essentially total strangers in looking for a new temp. home. I also checked up the free section, which led me on my adventures for a tyepwriter in Fayetteville and some old wooden dresser drawers, which I traded for old McDonald's boxes and orangic soil, in Orwell with two friends arguing over political issues. Then stopping to help change a tire for people who were need.
I accomplished a lot of life things this week:
found a room for rent
looked through the classifieds, contacted people, met strangers, and was completely serious about it
found a working typewriter for free
drove to Orwell
met brand new strange friends
had surprises with good friends
randomly was re-acqauinted with old friends
figured out my senior year schedule
was newly inspired by once enemies
signed up for summer courses
I wish I could take some pictures of some new work that I've been pumping out. I'm trying to find my style and an inner me. I'm also trying to steer away from my friends and fellow studio majors and into hand drawn illustration and political unfiltered art. The thought of political art used to appall me, when all I could think of were the political cartoons in Weekly World and News Report. Now I want to shout it out loud! The times are a-changing.
Hello, I'm Caroline. I'm trying to find myself, begin to prepare for the real world, and slowly ease out of the comfort and convenience of college life. I'm trying to be known for my art, and become a louder artist with a strong voice.
And....I would like to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Anyone have a copy to lend?
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