Tuesday, September 22, 2009

fall reading

New font = exciting!

I am very bogged down with my workload senior year as an artist just trying to get her BA. Though currently I am working on an illustration about censorship in the media (possible topic of usage in senior paper...!!) and am all out of my usual monochromatic friend, my classic sharpie markers.

Though I haven't been taking too much time to search for fantastic artistic inspiration to share, I have been nibbling at various books, and am also very guilty of picking up a new book when the one I was currently reading isn't finished yet.

These are some of the lovelies in my life at the moment:
The Essence of Self-Realization
Though, I was told this book is not the most reliable on the subject of self-realization, I am enjoying it and will be using it as a precursor to expanding more on the subject.

The Cheese Monkeys
This is a fantastic book I picked up at my local Salvation Army for $2.00! It's about a college freshman going into art school in the 1950's and it is quite enjoyable to spend some time reading.

Art Since 1940: Strategies of Being
This was put on the list because although it is one of my textbooks, I have felt like I have learned the most from this text than any other in my experience of liberal arts. It's liberal and heavy reading, but very informational.

I wish I had more time to produce the art that has been hibernating in my head since summer, but there's little time with work, papers, and all else in the academic world.

It's officially 11:38pm and I am craving a new pack of Sharpies.


Isabel said...

Wow, I'd love to read a book called the Cheese Monkeys just for the title alone.

La Chauve-Souris said...

haha this cheese Monkey book is funny

Gracie-Lou said...

yeah the guy stole Yogananda's teachings and added his own view. Def only try to buy books published by Self-Realization Fellowship. I promise you will have a better understanding...a more accurate understanding. I am so very happy that you are interested though! It maked me so very happy :)